Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Here's to 2nd Chances

Hmm, where to start.... :) The past month has really been a bit of a blur to me. It feels like I never had any time at home. I just loved it, even with the worry about a job. So Saturday I went happily off to Wal-Mart to start my new job, better money than the last Wal-Mart job and it sounded like an easy time. But not so. I knew without having done it, it was to be a pretty nasty job. But thinking that and doing that are two different things. First off, no one wants to train the new girl because no one really knows what they are doing. plus litte Miss Boss everyone Around is feeling threatened. So new girl gets to do dishes and clean because she doesn't know the policies and never will because she is stuck in the back doing dishes and putting stuff away and digging through the freezer. And suddenly, a light beams from the heavens, Regions Bank calls. They have actually called 6 times since Monday. And today is Tuesday. :D I called back (also for the 6th time) and told them to call me on my home phone tomorrow and that I would not step foot outside the house until I talked to them. Holy Moly cross your fingers for me. I am shriveling up, literally. My hands can't take the dish soap. ;)

I don't know if you know this about me but I am extremely sensitive. I almost shut Facebook off because I was getting smacked every time I came on by somebody, and usually different somebodies. No I don't mean you. :) I do realize that it can sometimes be hard to determine a persons intent by what they write so I am the first one to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes there is no mistaking nasty intentions. And sometimes it is just people not realizing what they are saying. Sometimes it is LACK of intention. Anyway, after a bad day of it Sunday, I got up Monday to tons of happiness. I even got a Facebook message from my daughter-in-law saying they would either come over or go to the lake with us for the 4th of July. And today got a nice long message off Eric about his experiences in Japan. Plus positive notes from friends and relatives and a nice surprise that you had been on and written on our blog. I really have missed you too since going back to work.

Dave came home Monday night with some Hosta's for me! He and Mary had ran off to Wal-Mart to get something Mary had forgotten (now I have forgotten what it was!) and came home with them. He went out and planted them for me right away. I am a spoiled wife. :D I am still sad our well meaning friend killed my honeysuckle. (with the Poison Ivy spray) But the Hosta's have started me well on my way to recovery. ;) And the Nasturtiums are blooming even more prolifically today. I will try to manage to collect ALL the seeds and plant them all over the place next year, and send some to my favorite cousin. *hug*

I was thinking about you while waiting in the car for Mary to come out after work and I have some questions I wish you would answer or ask your Mom and answer. Such as...Why did you guys move to Parma? I remember when you did. Like your house over by the Post Office and Aunt Jackie giving me grapefruit for breakfast (yech) and your pug. Who did you have for 2nd grade at Parma? I had Mrs. Lucy but can't remember the other teachers name. I was in Mrs. Lucy's class when she had her heart attack and Kay Vaughn took over. When did you leave Parma? Did you know we graduated the same year? Can your Mom think of any stories about her Mom? Larry said Uncle Amos knew them well. What year were your parents married? Mom said Grandma Cora's hair was dark brown. It looked red or blonde in that photo. What does your Mom remember it to be? Everyone keeps saying someone was Cherokee, any idea who? Mom said there is Irish, was that the Petty's? There were a load of Parson's and Goodman's in the village where Dave comes from. :) Almost forgot the sticky one, Terry said that I was an accident. I had heard somewhere that Mom had tried for a girl. Any info on that one? Either way I am here and after the divorce she sure didn't want a girl, just trying to unfuzz the past. If you ask your Mom don't tell her you're gonna tell me, I would assume a normal person wouldn't say if it were the first one since the end result of the "accident" might not appreciate it. I look at it differently, I figure if I was an accident I must really have meant to be when and where I was! :)

You are lucky to have your family around and in and out. I know sometimes it can be...a...time consuming :) but so worth it! Love ya Bunches, don't float away!


I'm on storm watch tonight. Sitting here watching it hoping I don't get electrocuted! *grin* Had about a three-mile-high lightning bolt pop the ground while ago just north of town. That was neat. The flooding in OKC is not so neat.

I had a lot to tell you until I started this...gee, I'm tired. This message may be all over the place. Hopefully it won't be TOO bad. It has been super-hectic. It started sometime last week but it's so much of a blur that I can't remember when! I know that Friday Micky, Mischa, and I went to Seminole with a whole list of things to do. We had to go to the credit union to open new accounts (changing banks) and go by workforce for Mischa to fill out some paperwork for the new position she will be starting Wednesday. She will be working at the Wewoka Chamber of Commerce...another temp position. At least it's close enough to home that she can ride her bike on nice days. It's in a cool old building...it's called the Wewoka Switch (which is Wewoka-ese for railroad depot). Then we went to Pizza Hut for lunch. Boy, that was a disaster! They were out of salad, the pizza bar was bare except for some pasta, we had plastic forks and it took 30 minutes to get our drinks, which were served in paper cups because their glasses were all dirty. Micky finally had to go up to the counter and complain about the drinks and then it took 2 more tries before they finally brought us something. He was furious and Mischa and I weren't much happier. They finally brought out some pizza so we got to eat but it was not a great dining experience. While we were there Mischa got a phone call to come back by Workforce. We left Pizza Hut and went over to the college to pick up FAFSA forms and found out that student services is closed on Fridays. In the meantime, I get a text from Katt saying that Arkansas is flooded so I'm on the phone with Florine making sure she was all right. (She was, thank goodness.) So we left the college, went back by workforce and headed home.

So what happens? Steve decides to take off early and surprise Katt when she gets off work. It did...surprised the rest of us, too! So much for getting a chance to tidy up before he gets here... So just as we're moving all the rigs around to make room for Steve's Harley in the garage, Joe and Jayme drive up. Micky had to go get some papers and Mischa and I were looking at each other with that, "what in the world are we going to feed them" look...SUBWAY to the rescue!! I called Micky and he was all for it. Only we had to drop off some papers to his crew leader first. He picks comes by for me and Mischa and off we go all the way up to the interstate where we wait...and wait...and wait. The woman finally showed up and by then the rest of the family is calling to see where we are. We finally, FINALLY, made it by Subway where we were waited on by two simply wonderful girls. Jayme and Joe had given up and gone home and managed to lock Steve and Katt out of the house in the rain while we gone. When we finally did make it back to the house with the sandwiches, Joe and Jayme ran up to the house to get theirs and took them back home. Then it turned out to be a really nice supper after all in spite of all the problems we had getting it together! Looks like Steve is gonna be a good sport. :)

Saturday Steve and Katt left for Arkansas. I worked out in the yard and it was HOT!! That evening Micky, Mischa and I (ever notice how it's the three of us who get into all of this!) decided to go to Walmart after he had met with his crew leader. No problem, right? Wrong. We had to drive all the way to Okemah to find the crazy woman. Sheesh! We finally made it to Walmart and got back home about 10 pm. No, that's too easy. While we were at Walmart, Micky and I decided to buy my new wedding band. The original one has gotten too snug and it can't be sized without ruining the pattern so I wanted a cheap plain band to wear everyday. We found one without any difficulty and this really sweet girl was helping us at the jewelry counter. The problem is that it has to be sent off to be sized. That poor girl looked for nearly an hour trying to find the envelopes to send it. She called an assistant manager who was a surly old broad with a bad attitude. Her advice was just to stick it under the counter with a note taped to it so "they could find it next week". After she buggered off (which was right away) I asked the girl if I could just take it with me. She looked grateful, poor thing. Then I asked her (very sweetly) what the department manager's name is. Just as sweetly, she smiled and gave me her name and her hours. As soon as the rain slacks up I'm going to go back up there and have a nice chat with the lady. The associate described her as "a little disorganized". Disorganized, my foot...those cabinets and drawers behind that counter were a disgrace. I've seen dumpsters that didn't have that much garbage in them!

Which brings us to Sunday...yet another fun-filled day of utter chaos! At one time Sunday I had eight people in my dining room all talking at the same time. Wow! Katt and Steve made it home from Arkansas after having to stop once for Russ's granddaughter when she got a nosebleed. Luckily it was minor. Jayme and Joe came by to get his workbench so I no longer have it in the back yard. Then Micky was off to do his census thing and I actually got a chance to sit down for a few minutes!

Did I mention that Micky and I went to the local flea market Saturday morning? I got a begonia, a scarlet cardinal vine and a castor bean plant. Also two old brass bells. :)

Oh, and Jayme and Joe went on a run Saturday where they followed the path that Pretty Boy Floyd took through Oklahoma. They went to the cemetery to see his grave. That would have been awesome if it hadn't been so hot.

That's about it, I guess. Doesn't sound like much in print! LOL! Being stuck at home today was a nice change!

Hope the new job is going well! Been watching Eric's posts...looks like he's having the time of his life! :)

Love ya!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lost puppy found

Well, I really was lost but can now, after more issues, post! Apparently I have a problem with my cookies. I never had a problem with my cookies before, unless it was perhaps not getting enough of them when I wanted them :)

You know, I am sure I felt tremors here Saturday but blamed them on a passing truck. Micky obviously has more power than I gave him credit for! I'm sure they will catch up on the back pay. Thank goodness they finally got the ball rolling huh?

Wish Jayme the best. She IS happy isn't she? I mean David and Mischa pointed out the lack of smiling. At the time I bought the whole they are too cool to smile thing, but with too cool to shout about the wedding....I don't know :) You think she is just trying to enjoy the moment and not let the crazy neighbor lady mess it up by her monotonous squealing? Luckily you have 3 daughters and between them I bet you go into mother-of-the-bride shock and have to delegate before it's all over. Think Steve will pop the question too and they can have a double wedding and save $$$? :D

So, Wal-Mart called. You'd think I'd feel more grateful. It's after 5 and unless the bank calls before 10 a.m. tomorrow, Wal-Mart it is. Perhaps it is meant to be. A paycheck would be nice and at least Wal-Mart is familiar. Not quite as close but the exercise will do me good. Mary suggested I try to do both, that's assuming that we believe the bank is just slow acting and not just not offering me the job. I would have to see if Wal-Mart would allow me to change my availability. Like Mary said, at least I don't need to buy new clothes to work at Wal-Mart. :D

Dave's birthday is July 1st. Mary and I talked about Saturday and since the 4th is on a Sunday we thought we'd have a patriotic cook out and go see the fireworks. So we invited big Matt, Michelle and the kids and Terry's daughter Jennifer cause they moved to Kansas recently. Well Jennifer called yesterday and said they were renting a cabin at the lake that weekend and invited us there instead. So we are waiting to see what Michelle says. If she already as plans with her sister we will go to the Lake for the Sunday. Jenny said if it comes right down to it they will go to the lake Friday and come up here Sunday so they get the best of both. Would be nice if Michelle would go to the lake with us but I can't see that since there are too many people to go in one car. Mary and I are just hoping for the Lake. :D

One of Eric's trip buddies posted pics on Facebook today. I was so thrilled to see Eric looking happy and rested. Haven't seen him look so good in YEARS. If anyone in the world deserved this trip it was him. He's quite the cutie too if I do say so. I don't understand why he can't post his own photos, maybe he just doesn't want to.

It has finally stopped raining. I get to sit on the deck and enjoy the Nasturtium's for a while. Did I tell you they bloomed? I love those things. They are almost glowing they are so bright. I had them for the first time in our first place in England. They are just so cheerful. My rose bush has doubled in height since it first bloomed. Time to look for a trellis I think! I am so thrilled that the fruit trees are taking off. And most of the Morning Glories survived. (along with some poison ivy too) I am trying to decide what evergreen I want to plant in a corner flowerbed. I keep alternating between American Holly and a blue spruce. And I can't figure out where to put the weeping willow, although I have a spot for the Mimosa.

Did I tell you I signed up for a free online drawing tutorial? I have had three lessons now. The instructor is slow but explains things very well and since I have never had formal instruction he has already given me several helpful hints just for the right tools and the mechanics. (like how to keep oils from your hands off the drawing) I did a drawing your Mom would've liked a few years ago. When we were in Tennessee we helped Larry with the cotton fields and I took some photos that I ended up using for a composition. It was an old barn that I put in the middle of a cotton field, with some of the bolls in close perspective. Eric used to have it, I don't know if it has survived.

Guess I better go do something to earn my keep. Don't you just love laundry :D

Be good, love ya!

Tuesday Edition

Got a LOT of catching up to do.

Before anything else: Well????? Did the bank call? Hopefully...

We had one heck of a weekend. Friday Micky got a check from Arkansas...fifty dollars. Yep, fifty smackers. He was on the warpath for sure when he called me to tell me about it. I'm surprised you guys didn't hear him (or feel the tremors) all the way up there. After the initial eruption and we had time to think about it, we realized that the check number was different than the one they had told him to expect. So Saturday he got another check and it was MUCH better than the first one. Still, it is only two weeks pay so we're wondering now about the other three weeks. At least it's a start so we feel a little better about it.

Katt's Steve came Saturday and they went to a Native American Storytelling event at SSC. Then they came back and parked on the couch...and talked for hours. Finally they went and rented a movie and Micky and I went and got pizzas. It was late when he finally headed home. Sunday morning he was back bright and early. After another several hours of hanging around here talking they decided to go to Shawnee to the movies. Then we all met at the Chinese buffet place up there for Jayme's birthday dinner. Except Mischa...she was so sick that she couldn't go. Jayme was almost too sick to make it. She rode up on the bike with Joe then came back in the car with us. Katt came home with Joe since Steve left from Shawnee to go home.

The big news? Jayme and Joe are engaged. He gave her the ring for her birthday. It's very pretty but it will have to be sized. The smallest wedding sets they had started at size 7 and she wears a 6. :) They haven't set a date and she wouldn't let me post it on facebook. Sheesh! I'm not getting to do any of that fun "mother of the bride" stuff! She doesn't want me to put it in the paper or anything. Spoil sport! Actually, I'm not at all surprised at Joe because he's been mentioning it off and on since they first got together. Jayme? Well, that's a different story. She always said that nobody would ever put one of those things on HER finger. Amazing how the story changes when you find that somebody special, huh?

So, Jayme and Joe are planning to go to Hot Springs for vacation in July. Katt and Steve are going to Arkansas this coming weekend. He's supposed to come over Friday night and camp at our house so they can get up and leave early Saturday. They will have to be back Sunday because he will have to work Monday. This place is turning into Grand Central Station!! *grin*

Sunday I gave Micky a crash course in Microsoft Word. We got both of his assignments finished and submitted before we had to go to Shawnee. I took one look at the book he was going to be working out of and winced because it is all the stuff that I've been doing since the 80's that he's never touched. It wasn't TOO bad. It would help if he liked doing it. He doesn't.

So what was Monday like? Well, we started the day with a thunderstorm, then it cleared off and I had to return the movie they had rented, pick up a prescription for Joe at the drug store, go by and drop off the payment on their water bill, then I came back home and got Katt and we went up to the college to talk to a counselor about her placement tests and stuff for this fall semester. Then we came back home and I started mowing. I finished up some badly neglected yard work just in time to come in, grab a quick shower and make supper. I left the kitchen in a shambles and came up to work on the computer for awhile and I'm just about to drop from exhaustion. And that's the short, short version because it leaves out the craft painting I managed to work in, the houseplant tending, and the phone calls! :D

So that's where I'm going to leave it for tonight. I'm surprised I got this far. Just hope it's coherent after I've slept!

Love ya!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hello and Welcome to the Wild Meanderings of Twin Minds

Well, got it set up...now to find an absolutely awesome theme package to dress it up. :)